Letter From Our Board President

Hello Friends,

At the close of this month, we had been looking forward to greeting you at our first concert in Glazer Music Performance Center at Nazareth College. We were looking forward to announcing our 44th Season’s programs and to asking you to join us next September for another great year of performances. We were also looking forward to enjoying a glass of wine with you at intermission, connecting with old friends and meeting new ones.

But, the world has changed since our last meeting in February. So, this cannot happen, and it is unclear when the “good old days” will be back. It is unthinkable to have a world without live music, and so we must explore other ways to bring that world to you.

The considerable talents, experience and entrepreneurship of our Artistic Directors, Juliana Athayde and Erik Behr, plus the vast resources of our volunteer Board, all bring expertise in the worlds of music, technology and imaginative, creative thinking.

We have 43 years of experience. We will use that expertise and passion to bring you a 44th Season.

Please stay tuned! It’s going to be an interesting adventure and although it may not be the same as before, please be assured that we will meet again!

For now, listen to past SCMR concerts on YouTube and keep in touch. And, please send us your thoughts and reactions to all of the above. We'd love to hear from you and we'll continue to send emails with updates.

Thank you!

With All Best Regards,
Your Partners in SCMR,
Linda Gillim, President and Don Hunsberger, Chairman

Meg Burton Tudman