Benefactors & Underwriters

Suzanne O'Brien

SCMR is honored to have received a generous endowment from the late Suzanne J. O’Brien, a devote supporter of the arts and a pillar of the Rochester community.
Suzanne’s remarkable 55-year career at the University of Rochester included shaping the innovative Rochester Curriculum, championing opportunities for women, and earning numerous accolades for her dedication to education. She and her late husband, John, were lifelong lovers of music, regularly attending performances by SCMR.

SCMR’s concerts are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.  

Canandaigua National Bank's generous contribution helps underwrite outreach events in Rochester area non-profits and schools, and enables students to continue attending SCMR concerts without charge.

Young Composer Competitions are supported with funding from the Hanson Institute for American Music of the Eastman School of Music.